Clay Brewer is a graduate of the University of Tennessee at Martin with a degree in Agriculture Business.  He was a member of the UTM Rodeo Team where he competed in tie down roping, team roping, and steer wrestling.  Clay learned best practices with cattle by hands-on experience.  He started his career in the cattle business by working for local farmers and large cattle producers.  When he was able to buy his first farm, he knew he wanted cattle integrated immediately. 

Clay currently has a cow/calf operation and backgrounds around 300 calves continuously.  Clay loves the cattle business and the sale barn atmosphere.  He wants to make Trenton Regional Stockyard a strong market where buyers can purchase high quality cattle and sellers can receive top dollar for their cattle.

When you are visiting the barn, you will find Clay either working in the back or buying in the ring.  You will find Holland, his wife, working in the office.   Both Clay and Holland want to make Trenton Regional Stockyard as successful as possible for their young son Cade.  “We plan to carry on the American way of agriculture through essential values, such as an honest word and a firm handshake.” – Clay Brewer

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